Holger Giese, Thomas Vogel, Ada Diaconescu, Sebastian Götz, and Samuel Kounev. “Architectural Concepts for Self-Aware Computing Systems”. In: Self-Aware Computing Systems. Ed. by Samuel Kounev, Jeffrey O. Kephart, Aleksandar Milenkoski, and Xiaoyun Zhu. Springer, 2017. Chap. 5, pp. 109–147. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47474-8_5
Self-awareness in a computing system is achieved by implementing a model-based learning, reasoning, and acting loop (LRA-M loop). Similar to the feedback loops for self-adaptive software, we argue that the LRA-M loop should be addressed during the architectural design of self-aware computing systems. This allows engineers to explicitly decide and reason about the system’s self-awareness capabilities. This chapter, therefore, introduces the relevant architectural concepts to address and make the LRA-M loop visible in the architectural design. Based on these concepts, we discuss how context-awareness, self-awareness, and meta-self-awareness become manifest in an architecture. Finally, we relate the presented architectural concepts to the definition and framework for self-aware computing systems introduced in the previous chapters.
@inbook{2017-SACSa, author = {Giese, Holger and Vogel, Thomas and Diaconescu, Ada and Götz, Sebastian and Kounev, Samuel}, chapter = {Architectural Concepts for Self-Aware Computing Systems}, title = {Self-Aware Computing Systems}, editor = {Kounev, Samuel and Kephart, Jeffrey O. and Milenkoski, Aleksandar and Zhu, Xiaoyun}, pages = {109--147}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2017}, chapter = {5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-47474-8_5}, }